I Work is incomplete. An "I" is accompanied by a tentative grade based on work completed by the student in relation to total requirements. An "I" must be removed by the dates listed in the Academic Calendar. If it is not removed by this stipulated date, the tentative grade becomes the final grade. (Points are based on tentative grade)
W A grade has not been given as a result of student initiative to withdraw from the course or University after the add/drop deadline.
XW Indicates the student has withdrawn from the course to avoid receiving a grade of XF for reasons of academic dishonesty.
P/CR Credit towards graduation requirements has been granted without a letter grade.
S Satisfactory performance. It is usually reserved for courses wherein letter grades are not utilized.
U Unsatisfactory performance. It is usually reserved for courses wherein letter grades are not utilized.
AU Audited.
NC The course was taken but does not count as credit toward graduation requirements.