Academic Alert Policy{expander}

KWU is invested in helping you achieve your best.  Therefore, at the quarter and mid-semester, if the instructor feels that your chance of earning a C or better in the course is in jeopardy, he/she is required to submit your name to KWU Cares.  If two or more professors submit your name, you will be placed on a concern list which notifies your advisor, coach and/or activities director, and, if a financial dependent, your parents. You will be strongly encouraged to develop a written and closely-monitored plan for achieving course success, which may involve tutoring, study-skills instruction, and frequent meetings with your advisor and your professors.

Students with Personal Crises{expander}

There are occasions when you may face a personal crisis.  In these difficult times, I am more than willing to work with you and offer reasonable accommodations until the crisis is past.  It is imperative that you immediately inform me of the situation and to keep me reasonably updated.  I will make every effort to respect any privacy concerns you may have but will not keep confidential any knowledge that may cause harm to yourself, others or falls under my legal requirement as a mandated reporter of sexual assault/violence.  It is not acceptable to inform me at the end of the course that you had “issues”.  There are many more resources to help you through difficult times if you will communicate your needs as they develop as opposed to waiting until the end of the course. 

Students with Special Needs and Disabilities{expander}

It is the policy of Kansas Wesleyan University to provide all students with access to the benefits of services in admission, registration, counseling, and instruction. A student can request reasonable accommodations by contacting Director of the Student Success Center (785-833-4398 or e-mail Appropriate documentation must be provided. For information on assistance with physical accessibility to facilities contact the Vice President for Student Development (785-833-4325 or e-mail

English as a Second Language (ESL){expander}

For students who speak English as a second language (ESL) and who believe that receiving academic assistance is necessary for their success at Kansas Wesleyan University, the following resource guidelines are offered: (1) Meet with your professor at the beginning of the semester to identify yourself as an ESL student.  Types of support that may be provided but not required by professors are extended time on assignments and tests, a non-distracting testing environment, use of English language technology, etc. (2) Seek tutoring assistance at the Student Success Center. (3) Manage your time so that you can sufficiently understand the coursework and assignments.

Campus Communications{expander}

Almost all of your official KWU communications, including enrollment, financial aid, graduation, and course information comes addressed to you at your KWU email address and/or your campus mail box. With this in mind, it is critical that you check both your KWU email and campus box on a regular basis — daily if possible but certainly no less than once a week.  The KWU email system is not be able to automatically forward emails from the KWU system to another email provider you might use, but your other email provider may have a way for you to “pull” your KWU emails from our system to theirs.  So, by whatever means, you are responsible for checking your KWU email and campus box regularly in order to stay informed about KWU and course happenings. Always include the course name in the subject line and your full name in the text or the message.

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