
Please note your login will be in the following format It will normally take 2-3 business days after you have completed your admissions process to receive your campus email account.

Undergraduate applicants will be given a campus email account once they have paid the enrollment fee. If not, then you have not completed the admissions process to receive a KWU email account at this time.

Graduate applicants, Pre-Freshman Applicants, and Non-Degree Seeking Applicants will be given a campus email account once they have been granted admission.

What is my password to my KWU email account?
Your password to your campus email account will begin with the first initial of your first and last name in capital letters followed by a # and your student ID number.

(i.e., Name: Casey Coyote ID:000000 = CC#000000)

           Password: CC#000000

Email Character Limit

Please note that our Microsoft system limits emails to 20 characters, so students with long names will be changed to first 

(i.e. Christopher Winchesterfield would be


Once you have successfully logged into your campus email account you will be required to change the password. If you are having trouble accessing your campus email account, you will need to contact Information System Department at (785) 833-4444 or between 8 am and 5 pm CST Monday - Friday. Be sure to include your student id number, your name and the problem you are experiencing.

Please note: Never give your login credentials to any outside source posing as an administrator for Kansas Wesleyan University. The IS Department will never ask for your username and password. If you receive any email requesting your login information, please delete the message or forward it to

Click here to login to your KWU email account.